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Fire Damage Restoration Denver

The difference between smoke damage and fire damage is that fires will leave items charred, covered in ash, melted, or otherwise distorted or completely destroyed. Much of this material is likely not salvageable. Smoke damage is caused as the fire is extinguished. Many smoke damaged items are salvageable.

Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure. It also flows around plumbing systems, using holes around pipes to go from floor to floor, and the type of smoke residue left can greatly affect the restoration process. Some of the different types of smoke residues can include:

  • Wet smoke residues that result from smoldering fires with low heat. These residues are sticky, smeary and have pungent odors.
  • Dry smoke residues that result from fast burning fires at high temperatures. These residues are often dry and powdery with small, nonsmeary smoke particles.
  • Protein residues, which are virtually invisible residues that discolor paints and varnishes surfaces within the structure. These residues also have an extremely pungent odor.
  • Fuel oil soot that result from furnace puff backs.
  • Smoke residues that result from tear gas, fingerprint powder and fire extinguishers and other agents used to put out the fire.

Because there are so many different types of fires and so many different ways they must be put out, each fire restoration case is unique and requires a trained professional like Denver Carpet Cleaning to survey the extent of damage done to your building and its contents and properly restore everything as well as possible.

If you are a fire victim, call
Denver Carpet Cleaning at
(303) 395-1795 ASAP!

Time is a crucial factor. Our emergency services line is answered by a certified technician 24 hours a day, 365 per year.